Welcome to JacobTCTC!

The School-Oriented Student Web Page!

This Site became an Archive on JAN 8 2025. I'm very sorry about that. I have many projects to take care of, and it needs time.

Yes, I do have plans to pickup on this site in the future. Just hold on for a bit.

Class Finished! [Tue, JAN 8 2025]

The HTML/JS class finished. JacobTCTC doesn't have any plans to continue this grid, so he'll have to make it dropdown-style for the future.

Google Sites:

Google Sites Project finished on DEC. 10 2024

Coding Games:


ADA Web Check Project


CSS Works:

HTML Forms (My First Recorded Project!):

All My Other Stuff:

Comments [If an error occurred, the chat is closed to everyone. A GitHub Account is Required]

W3.CSS, Giscus and Github helped make this possible.